A little bit about me…

And how I got to where I am today!

Guiding women on their healing journey and into personal and spiritual sovereignty and empowerment is my passion. Through a range of healing modalities and Guided Intuition, I help you break free from pain and embrace your power, resulting in a future of personal freedom and vibrant well-being.
Are you ready to transform your life with love and wisdom? Work with me and unlock your Inner Goddess! My vision for creating a community which is full of love, support and wisdom is alive as we build our safe and high vibrational sisterhood together. Welcome Sisters to our beautiful sanctuary of Inner Lyght Evolution.

Welcome Sisters to our beautiful Temple of Inner Lyght Evolution.

I’m thrilled to welcome you to Inner Lyght Evolution. For more than 25 years, I held onto a dream of becoming a Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive, Energy Healer, and Channel. Yet, the demands of life and my lack of self-love and self-confidence kept me stuck in the realm of education, where I dedicated three decades to teaching. The pivotal moment arrived after my second journey through cancer. I recognized that my personal well-being was intricately tied to my spiritual journey—a journey I had long yearned to embrace. My physical health was mirroring my emotional vibrations, and it became clear that honouring my heart’s desires was essential if I was to ever heal the cancer and live a happy and fulfilled life.

My journey into self-healing led to a profound shift in my perspective, breaking free from the beliefs and limitations that had kept me from creating the life I yearned for. Blessed and aligned with my new sense of purpose and knowingness, I now guide women who are on their own paths to healing and self-discovery. I wholeheartedly believe in the possibility of healing on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—because I am a living testament to it. If I can overcome, heal, and thrive, I know my clients can too.

What Sarah's Clients Say!


Everyone should have a Sarah in their lives. Sarah has worked on me, my son, my mum, my sister and our family dog and I cannot recommend her highly enough. She is an amazingly gifted energy, Theta and Body Code healer and therapist.

I love the way she combines all these modalities that are so complimentary into her unique practice. I trust Sarah implicitly and she has helped me work through and rid myself of limiting beliefs, helped bring me back into balance when necessary, fortified my physical and mental strength as needed and helped keep me sane during some difficult life challenges. I couldn’t have walked the path without her great support. In particular I will forever be in her debt and awe for helping my mum come to physical, mental and spiritual peace as she faces the last few months of her life. She has eased the pain and suffering and smoothed not only her path but mine as her daughter and I have such confidence and trust that Sarah has her and out best interests in place.I cannot imagine not having Sarah as part of my regular ”health and self-care”‘ routine going forwards. I love her gentleness, her openness and her compassion. She is a true earth angel.


I happened to chance upon Sarah through another friend who had shared her experience of Sarah’s work. I wrote to her, who generously gave me her time, energy and a subsidised fee for the sessions. During our first session, I told Sarah that my main concern was my chronic migraine issues that I have been suffering from for
the past 13 years. Sarah identified the causes and there was so much that she told me, that I wasn’t consciously aware of . Her gentle, soothing manner and the use of her intuition and guidance has helped me navigate the truths of my life which were unknown to me. She used ‘muscle testing’ and ‘theta healing’ on this quest and proposed a second session in order to alleviate my migraine. During the second session, there was a tremendous amount of healing that took place and I could feel it in my bones and my spirit. The changes and the assurance that I suddenly felt. It is nothing less than a miracle when I say that, for the first time in 13 years, I have not had a migraine issue. I was able to attend my exams and do them well, without the fear of migraine hindering me.  I look forward to continuing my sessions with Sarah and wait expectantly to see how my consciousness can expand so that I can live more fully and completely . I owe Sarah, who in her kindness and generosity has simply told me to pay it forward and I hope I can someday do unto another what she has done for me.


I had four Body Code sessions with Sarah to address long-term difficulties I was having with stress, low mood, confusion and memory loss. I really enjoyed the skype sessions and found Sarah very warm and encouraging. After each of the sessions I felt uplifted and greatly motivated to continue with the follow up advice she gave me. I have since been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, which accounts for some of the problems I was experiencing. I am however pleased to report that I am managing my condition well and feel positive and continuously motivated to both enjoy life and take good care of myself and my health care needs. Thank you Sarah!


When Sarah entered into my life I didn’t expect the gift she would give me once! With love, gentleness and wisdom, Sarah opened the gate to my subconscious and the reply of my body led us rapidly to my deepest fields – fears, imbalances and the heart wall. All are based in a long list of trapped emotions and all made so much sense, like creating a mosaic of life. Sarah gave me a wise lesson: listen to the body’s hidden pain from the past and then just let it go. You will feel so much lighter and you understand that there is no guilt for it. Slowly the wall around the heart will melt. I am still on the way and ready to go further! I am very glad to have found her somewhere on earth. My trust in Sarah is always there!

Claire Sistership Circle

I had the pleasure of being a part of Sarah’s Circle and it was amazing. Sarah has such a beautiful calmness that makes you feel safe and held. The theme was clarity and desire where we looked at what our desires are and how we feel about ourselves. Very powerful and I left feeling uplifted and excited for another.


Finding Sarah has been such a blessing. She has brought me so much peace and clarity through our sessions together. I always feel more confident, uplifted and reassured afterwards. I can’t recommend Sarah’s work highly enough. She has also helped my daughter and my husband in some difficult times, and they have felt uplifted and transformed as a result. Everything she does has a lasting, positive impact.


Amazing! I couldn’t believe the instant results. It felt like a massive weight was lifted off my shoulders the day after our session. Highly recommended!

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