Disclaimer of Liability:
This website located at https://innerlyghtevolution.com (“site”) is
operated by Sarah C Reynolds, sole trader, hereafter called ‘The Company’
Your use of the Site constitutes your acceptance of, and agreement to,
the following disclaimer (“Disclaimer). We reserve the right to modify, alter, amend or update this Disclaimer. This Disclaimer is subject to change without notice. If you do not agree with or do not accept any part of this Disclaimer, you must not use the Site or purchase products or services offered on the Site.

The information presented by the Company is NOT INTENDED or
IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content provided by the Company or this Site is for general information purposes only. The Company does not offer medical advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other opinion on your conditions or treatment options. All information and products offered by the Company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You should never disregard or delay seeking medical advice because of information garnered from the Site or any products or services offered by Inner Lyght Evolution. Services, products, or information that obtain through the Company are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or
psychological advice, guidance, treatment, or therapy. The Company’s services are neither a substitute or replacement for professional medical or psychological care. You may or may not experience any
measurable results from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests.

Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any medical concerns whatsoever. Discuss this information with your doctor or healthcare provider to determine what is right for you. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before having any beauty/holistic/complementary/spiritual treatments.

No statements made on this Site or within any of the Company’s services have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.

General Disclaimer
The Company  offers Intuitive Healing Sessions, using Clairvoyance, Intuition, Divine Guidance, EFT, BLAST, Body and Emotion Code, Theta healing, Mindfulness and Reiki. Intuitive Healing is offered in a gradual, cooperative process intended to help integrate the body, mind, and soul, enhance clarity and expression of spirituality. The Company  provides intuitive healing in support of a client’s spiritual development. Nothing stated within a session should be taken as a reason or excuse to avoid appropriate medical or psychological treatment or therapy.
This work is a supplement or addition to whatever treatment you are currently receiving or may seek in the future. By the word “healing”, the Company is not treating, curing or diagnosing conditions. By accepting services, you understand that the Company is neither a licensed counselor nor a licensed health practitioner/provider/physician. You also accept that you have not come to the Company for medical advice, diagnosis and/or treatment, and have sought this spiritual service of your own free will. You understand that Company’s services are consultative in nature and that decisions made and actions taken, based on input or advice from Company, are ultimately your complete responsibility. You further understand the Company shall have no liability or responsibility for any of your actions taken (or not taken) in connection
therewith. Company makes no guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied, as to results to be achieved, or as to the consequences of any actions taken or not taken by Company. On the Site, results shared may not be typical. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and
motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past results can be duplicated in the future. The Company cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the
internet that we cannot foresee which could reduce results you experience. The Company is not responsible for your actions.
The use of the Company’s information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence, and you agree that Company and the advertisers / sponsors of this Site are not liable for any success
or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services reviewed or advertised on this Site.
Any links to third-party websites does not imply an endorsement or sponsorship of such sites, or the information, products or services offered on or through the sites. Company disclaims liability for incidental or consequential damages and assumes no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of use of the information provided on the Site or offered in the products or services offered by the Company. Company assumes or undertakes no liability for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the use of any information found on the Site or offered in the products or services offered by the Company.

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