
If you know that you have a single, or many traumatic/challenging events which still carry weight and affect your life, 1, 3, 6 or 9 sessions can fundamentally shift these. These traumas could be all based on a theme (such as abuse) or maybe you have had a number of separate and unrelated incidents which were deeply challenging at the time. Divorce, abuse, illness, bullying and accidents are just a few which are powerful experiences that leave their mark but can be eased significantly and quickly using this amazing technique. However, we all have lower grade trauma which we live with which, once cleared also allow us to live with greater ease, flow and happiness in our physical bodies and our emotional bodies. For example, falling out with your best friend all those years ago, having cold or critical parents who still loved you and it wasn’t abuse but you are now very self-
critical. Once you feel the benefits of a BLAST session you will definitely want to clear ALL your various traumas and triggers and so a bundle of 3 or 6 is perfect for you.

I will offer a 100% refund on the first session if you don’t like it, and if you go on to buy a bundle, the first session will be discounted in accordance with the bundle price so you aren’t missing out on the discounted deal!


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Although BLAST sounds intense, it is actually very gentle. BLAST stands for Bi-Lateral Analysis and Stimulation Technique. The persistence of both significant and minor pains and traumas in our lives can lead to various challenges in our daily experiences. I was introduced to a technique that left me truly astounded by it’s straightforwardness and efficacy. It’s often the simplest methods that carry the most profound impact, prompting me to seek training in it. I recognized the immense potential it held in assisting my clients.

We don’t go to the gym, or to a counsellor just once or twice and expect fundamental changes; focus and perseverance creates the best results and lasting change.

Most sessions last about an hour. They are done via Zoom and you receive a recording of the session (if you wish). Every time you listen to the recording you will receive the energy healings, upgrades and light codes again at a deeper level.

This work is a supplement or addition to whatever treatment you are currently receiving or may seek in the future. By the word “healing”, I am not treating, curing or diagnosing conditions. I am not, nor do I claim to be a trained medical professional. Always speak with your primary health care professional if you have any medical or psychological issues.

If you have bi-polar or schizophrenia, the work I do will not be suitable for you.

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1, 3, 6, 9


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