Child Healing Single Sessions & Bundles


Whilst your children are under the age of 18, as long as I have your permission, I can work on all issues for them and they don’t need to be present or even know we are doing the work! Perhaps your child is suffering with anxiety, bad dreams, ADHD, phobias… or anything else for that matter! Gentle energy work may bring release from their pain. Most parents find our sessions insightful, and I am able to bring clarity and an understanding of what is going for their child which they had not had before!

A single session is perfect if you are simply wanting to understand your child on a deeper level or if they have some smaller pains, worries or issues. Children respond well to the work because they have fewer layers of ‘stuff’ to deal with which us older folk have had time to develop!

If your child is struggling with deeper and more complex issues, a bundle of 3 sessions will give us the time and scope to really get to the bottom of what is going on for them.

When looking to create lasting change in our lives and clear or heal deep issues, more than one session is far more effective! We don’t expect to go the gym one time only, and suddenly have achieved all our health and fitness goals; the same goes for inner work, personal growth and healing. Therefore, I offer ‘Healing Bundles’ to support you in reaching your goals.

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Please note: all sessions taken using the ‘bundle’ prices must be taken between 1 and 3 week intervals. This develops and maintains momentum and is far more effective than taking them irregularly and infrequently.

Most sessions last about an hour. They are done via Zoom and you receive a recording of the session. Every time you listen to the recording you will receive the energy healings, upgrades and light codes again at a deeper level.

This work is a supplement or addition to whatever treatment you are currently receiving or may seek in the future. By the word “healing”, I am not treating, curing or diagnosing conditions. I am not, nor do I claim to be a trained medical professional. Always speak with your primary health care professional if you have any medical or psychological issues.

If you have bi-polar or schizophrenia, the work I do will not be suitable for you.

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Child Single Session, Animal Single Session, Child Bundle of 3, Animal Bundle of 3


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