Learning To Love Yourself Workshop


Are you ready to embrace the transformative power of self-love and step into the radiant light of your own being?

I have created this soul-nurturing session to be much more than just a video! It’s a gentle yet powerful companion designed to support you in cultivating a deeper connection with your inner essence, fostering compassion, and igniting the flame of self-love within your heart.

Through a blend of healings, downloads, insightful teachings, and energy healing techniques, “Learning to Love Yourself” gently invites you to embrace your worthiness, release self-limiting beliefs, and embrace the beauty of your authentic self.

Loving yourself is the most powerful and profound transformative energy there is for supporting you on your healing journey.




This is the perfect follow-on session to my free 3-day mini course on Self- acceptance, but is also a lovely stand-alone video for you to receive many benefits from.


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